Great Days Are Ahead – Karma

Nothing is lost or wasted in this life. Bhagavad Gita


Our deeds decide our destiny. Our actions determine our outcome. Our seeds planted, decide what our harvest will be. Choose kind thoughts and helpful words, and always do your best.

Nothing is lost or ever wasted. Energy becomes matter and matter becomes energy. Plants and leaves become soil, and in the soil our seeds grow, to one day become our soil – once again. So be conscious of what type of energy you are bringing to those around you, and be careful of what type of seeds you’re planting. We determine what kind of life we have, and can have. Every moment Karma is working, and every moment we can create new karma.

Our lives are constantly changing and I know Great Days Are Ahead!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


A New Day

A new day…a new moment, a new choice.  What’s it going to be. What move will you make next.  What seed will you plant. What will you feed the seed, the idea, that will grow into your future. Will you plant it in the most healthiest natural fertile soil, and feed it clean pure water. Will you nurture the seed, pull the weeds, and care for it to help it grow. Do you see the seed growing taller, becoming into what you’ve invisioned. 

Every endeavor starts with a thought, an idea, a beginning. As the idea grows, and a few weeds pop – up we have to regroup, adapt, rethink, but continue to grow, or replant, nurture, take rest, or whatever is needed for the long goal, the ultimate destination – your perfect life. 

So what does that life look like, and what choices will you make on this new day, to start living that life now.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi