Fairy tales – Real or Rumor?

“‘Know thy self’ may not be the best; A pinch of self-delusion it turns out is an important ingredient in the happiness recipe.” – Eric Weiner  quote via twitter@bmccall17

Once upon a time a friend of mine posted on her facebook page, “Fairy tales don’t exist…reality does…”  Which of course prompted me (Goldilocks) to post; “I believe”.  And yes, I have wondered if I’ve become a little delusional… I did do some deep soul searching, and I have been looking for, finding, and then spewing positive “self help” information and ideas, all of which has made me happier, and I hope, has helped you too!  However, I think the key ingredient for me, was to put myself in a reality that was different from the one that I was living… so call me delusional in my fairy tale world, I don’t care, because – it works – I’m happy.

Wishing that you create your own happy fairy tale reality, where nothing is too good to come true.

Just a thought…

With love for you and your dreams,


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

Life’s Compounding Interest-Nothing Happens and Then Everything Happens

“Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens.” – Fay Weldon

Compound interest is where interest is collected and added to the principle amount invested so that the principle plus the interest are now earning interest. I have thought of it mostly in regards to finance, and still remember the story told to me by one of my high school teachers.  He said two friends were playing golf.  The first friend said; “lets bet $25 dollars on each hole”. The other friend said; “No, lets bet $1 on the first hole and then double it at each hole.”  The first friend thought the other friend wanted to keep the match friendly and the stakes low, even though they both were well off, and agreed to start at $1. By the time they reached the eighth hole the friend was laughing thinking his friend really put it to him, as that hole would cost him $128.  By the fourteenth hole, and at $4096, it wasn’t funny anymore. By the time he reached the eighteenth hole the bet was a whopping $131,072.

I drive through two neighborhoods, one is a new and is without any trees or natural beauty. The second neighborhood is older with big majestic trees and mature landscaping. One house in particular has rock and stone paths, a water fall and pond, flower beds, shrubs and trees all perfectly placed.  The type of landscaping that only evolves after time and effort.

I started blogging about a year ago and using twitter and about a month ago.  In both cases it was slow going getting my first followers. In fact, it seem like forever, but then one came and then eventually another, and now that I have several it seems that they are coming quicker.  Like a snowball running down hill.  It just keeps getting bigger and faster as it goes.

Life is like that.  We have to plant our seeds, continue to do the work, and one day we will look up and see what we have created…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

PS. Please follow me on facebook 😉 or I guess I should say  “like” me. Please ask your friends to follow, retweet, share, or “like” me…    With thanks and gratitude, Goldi

A Perfect Life

My passion is apparent if you’ve been reading my post, it’s that we create and live our perfect life, the life that is “just right” for us.  It’s tailored made to suit us perfectly. Most of the post read that’s its about going after something big, something that we want to attain in the pursuit.  The truth is the joy and happiness comes not from the attainment but in the doing. My goal is to travel and write, and I admit I’m not traveling and writing yet like I see it in my mind; but I’m happy now, because I’m writing. I’m doing what it is that I’m passionate about.  I’m not putting it off. I’m living it now.

I also want to be clear that a perfect life can be the one your living… we all have different wants, desires, needs, and passions.  I have a friend who is very happy with her life as a wife, mother, and friend.  She is the glue, keeping us all in touch, and feeling the love.  She takes great pride in the life she leads, and all of us who know her,  are better off because of it.

It doesn’t matter what you do, it’s how you do it…so however you choose to live your life – it’s perfect!

Just a thought….

Love, Goldi


Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…