Own Your Life

Don’t worry about “who” said what, “who” is doing what, or what “who” did to you. Live your life – Own it! Claim it! Control it!  Who you are when you walk into a room, who you are while you’re there, and who you are when you leave, is all owned by you. You living your life – your way. Don’t be affected by the drama of others, or any other negative influences. If you let yourself be drawn into someone else’s drama, then you’re in the drama too. Leave it where it is – not attached to you.

Focus the only thing that you can control – you, and remember that your physical and mental health are affected by everything you put in your body. So not only eat healthy, but fill your mind and thoughts with positive sights and sounds. Do your best to read, hear, and see positive, happy and joyful things. Own your life, and do your best for you!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Life’s Calling?

What if you don’t know your calling in life…, your confused about your purpose, but you know your not where you’re supposed to be?

Then do what whatever that little voice inside your heart/gut is telling you to do. It may just be to take a class that interests you at the local university. Which may lead you to take more classes, or introduce you to an idea that you use years later that propels you towards your calling; or maybe it’s a chance meeting, or conversation with someone that leads you in another direction. In other words, you may not understand why your intuition is leading you in a direction, but in time, you will. 

Keep going – Keep doing your best, and Keep becoming the greatest version of you.


Just a thought…


Love, Goldi


You Matter

We all matter – we have to know that deep down inside.  We may not always get the validation that our ego needs to hear.  Validation that we’re important,  that someone cares, that we’re making a difference, or that we’re even noticed. If you don’t know this about yourself then, I’m here to tell you that you do matter.  It you are alive then you’re important in this life, and you do make a difference. You don’t have to score an Olympic Gold medal, get straight A’s, or become a CEO of a major corporation. However, you can work to become the best version of you, with all of your unique and special attributes –  You Really Do Matter. I want you to carry that around with you.  I want you to remember that always. I want it to be felt deep in your core – You Matter!


Just a thought…

With Love,
