Indecision may or may not be my problem. Jimmy Buffett
Indecision – stops you. You can get to where you want to go, but only if you know where your going. Vacillating back and forth, wavering,…thinking, thinking, thinking, is not going to take you anywhere. You must take action!
If you read my last post, you will remember that there are a number of moves, that can get you where you want to go. So don’t put so much weight on the perfect thought out plan, most likely, things are going to change throughout your journey. What you need to remember is where you want to go, and keep making your decisions from that basis. Is this choice going to lead me where I want to go. If the answer is yes, then head in that direction, if the answer is no, unless your changing your goal or dream – don’t follow that path. Do make a plan, just don’t delay taking action because every step is not guaranteed.
Guarantee’s, sometimes, keep us from taking that first step, or following through with the next move. We sometimes feel if we had a guarantee that our dream will work, and a definite step by step plan to follow, then we would proceed; but because our dreams don’t have guarantees, sometimes we fail to make our move. Our only guarantee is this moment right now, so the question becomes, how do you want to live your life now?
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook
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