The Perfect Life = A Life You Don’t Need to Escape From

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”  Seth Godin

I love what I am doing.  I could sit here all day long blogging, writing,  exploring places that I want to travel too, and how I am going to make it possible to live my dream.  I love it so much so, that at times I have to force myself to step away,  to interact with friends.  I guess the pull is so strong because for years I was miserable doing “all the right things”.  Things that friends and family expected of me, and was more the norm.

I’m not going to lie. I have moments where I think I may be crazy, because my new life is going against the way I have lived for years, and I wonder if I will make it.  But, I am happy for the first time in years, and that seems rather priceless to me right now.

Money and your material possessions can be taking away from you, how you feel inside can not.  Isn’t it time we started focusing on what brings us joy,  start working our passion, and creating the lives that we want.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my “just right” perfect life…

Love is Blind

Love is Blind is a saying that we all know and understand. When our vision in restored, we wonder how could we’ve missed all of those signs!  The really scary part is that we seem to go through life, with blinders in place in all areas of our lives, focusing on only what it is that we want to see.  This focus becomes our reality, missing out on the good and the bad of what’s around us, skewing our perspective and leading us astray.

What’s the real reality around you?  Take a moment to look at your life as if you were watching it from a different angle – may be like you would a movie.  What you didn’t see before, should come into focus.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my “just right” life

Failure gets a bad rap!

Why are we afraid of failure, and why don’t we think of failure as positive?  Didn’t Thomas Edison say “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  Isn’t failure our greatest teacher, so shouldn’t it be celebrated? Shouldn’t we celebrate people who have tried and failed, encouraging them to keep going; encouraging them to try a different angle, to look for a different solution, or to completely regroup and to go down a different path, but always…, to keep going!

So let’s look at failure as Thomas Edison does and not be afraid to try something, or get down because something didn’t work – lets celebrate, and look at it as a gift.  A gift – of what not to do, and see it as bringing us one step closer to living our perfect lives.

As for me, I am going to consider myself a huge success, because I know a million things – not to do😉

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Having the perfect life in a perfect world…