GOLDILOCKS- The blonde rugged woodsy dude just reminded us as he shouted FREEDOM on his ad during the Super Bowl of just how much we cherish our freedom, and how important it is.

It’s that moment when you realize that you’re not the person you’ve been portraying but that it’s possible that you have been living more of a scripted life. Doing everything you believe you should be doing. Everything you’ve been conditioned to do. When what you really want to feel is peace, and that grateful energy of being alive.

By awaking to everything that is true around you. By seeing yourself and the world as it is, with our connection to all.

Acknowledging that you are not alone. The bears are also there with their differences and desires, and that this freedom is for everybody. Even the bears.

Just a thought.

Love, Goldi

And, Congratulations Eagles!

Into Your Soul

 …for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For nowhere either with more quiet or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul.   – Marcus Aurelius
Your soul gives you unconditional love, and all the support that you can ever imagine.  Your soul can bring you the greatest peace.  It’s always with you, and it will never leave you.  It connects you to your spirituality.  It’s the light, the spark of the divine, that lives within.
You have the power, tune into the divinity of your soul, and listen for clear understanding, … for the peace, quiet, and freedom that you seek.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi

Is Happiness – Freedom?

When I think the thoughts of what will make me happy; in a partner, in life, in a job, or in the simplest of things – such as – what do I want to eat, I always come back with – I want freedom to choose.  Freedom to choose to be, to do, to have or to want – anything.  Freedom to be myself.  Not the me that my mother wants me to be, or my father, my children, my neighbor, or my boss.

The more freedom, or at very least, perceived freedom that I have, the happier I perceive myself to be. I am not saying that I need to be totally hedonistic about my life.  I do a lot of self sacrificing for the benefit of others, but it is my freedom and choice to do it.   So in having a perfect life, job or mate, should the number one question be – How much freedom will I have?  Do I get to set my own hours?  Will my opinions or suggestions be heard and considered?  Will I be able to pursue my dream and be supported for it?  Do you have organic food?

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Having a perfect life in a perfect world…