When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. – Rumi
When trying something new, sometimes what is lost, is that we never start out excellent. Sometimes what is needed is to keep trying, but that’s lost sometimes with our teachers, or within ourselves. It’s in the doing that counts. The fact that we’re there. That we’re showing up. Over time – we will get better! Often the best teaching is when you fail, and if your still practicing you keep self correcting, until one day when you get it perfectly right. Although sometimes the presumed failure by others, can create something better than the perfection that you originally sought. The goal is to keep doing what brings you joy, what moves you, that’s when your own personal perfection is achieved, in that moment, whether it’s judged good or bad by any other. It’s in the doing that brings you joy, regardless of the outcome. So go, do, and enjoy!
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi