Goldilocks Experiment

I feel a surge of love, goodness and hope!  It is funny how thoughts can do that to you. Lately I have been having a hard time writing something that I wanted to publish on my blog.  My original vision of my blog was to always put inspirational words on it, acts of good will, and thoughts on how we can live a better life, but sometimes it is hard. Sometimes I feel like I am being a fraud, because I do not always feel so up.  Today I have been contemplating committing to an expensive writing retreat.  It is what I want to do so bad.  I feel it in every bone of my body that this is what I want to do.  I have told you before that I see my life as a traveler, blogger, writer, and also of a person just living in peace at home with family, with friends, and in nature.  My fear today is that I should not spend that money.  That it may be wrong to spend that money on a dream, and as I am writing this, a revelation has come to me.  That if I do not do it my dream may not happen.  It may start a chain of events that limits me and keeps me filled with doubts.  Other opportunities may appear that seem safer.  I may take that road, and then may not come back down this road for years or ever…

My original reason for writing the blog was to get me writing.  To help me to communicate with others, to feel heard, and to keep myself pumped up with positive words.  I had felt myself slipping deep into a depression that I needed to get out of.  I wanted to feel that someone was listening.  I wanted to have hope, and it worked!  I feel so much better.  Down days I look at my blog and read the inspirational words that I need to remember and it has brought me back.

So I am going to do it.  I am going to spend that money because the vision of myself not doing it, make my heart feel like it is breaking.  It seems that if I don’t do this, life would be unbearable, and yet while doing it makes me feel excited and hopeful, it also feels reckless. Reckless at a time in our economy and in my life where future income is an unknown factor, that the money should be save for food, housing and debts already incurred. Not doing it leaves me in that self defeating downward spiral with no hope, and no happiness which I think will lead me to all the places that I do not want.

So I am going to continue this Goldilocks experiment of having the perfect life and living it in a perfect world.  I will not be pushed by my fear!  I will lead with my dreams, and I hope you do the same!  Cheers to our success!

 Just a thought!

 Love, Goldi

Love The One Your With!

Someone once said to me that Love is a choice, and being a woman with so much feeling and emotion, I disagreed with him. Years have gone by since then, busy running through my life, and now that I am trying to be still more, and have taken a step back to observe and listen, I think that he is right.  I watch and listen to my married friends, and friends in relationships, and I see that with just a change in perception, a choice, that things including feelings would be so much better. 


I listen to men and women complain about their spouse or significant other, about what they do or don’t do and how it makes them feel.  But what about what they do…  It is very easy a single person to see this, because we do not have anyone doing anything for us.  So women and men appreciate all that your spouse or significant other does for you.  If they bring you so much as a glass of water, or carry your dishes to the sink, or if they have a job that helps support your household, then love them, appreciate them.  If they stay home with children, clean your home, do your laundry, pay your bills, love them, appreciate them. If they are sick or unable to do anything but love you, love them, and appreciate them.  If you’re unhappy still, do not blame your partner, make changes to do things that will bring joy to your life.  Choose happiness, choose to focus and appreciate what you do have. 


If you are still not getting it, think about it this way… imagine for a moment that you are alone, homeless, and wondering where your next meal was coming from, really think about how you would feel.  Wouldn’t you appreciate all that you have now?  Wouldn’t you really appreciate all that the other person is giving you now, as a great gift?  Don’t worry about the little things.  They are just that, little things.  If you have a roof over your head, food in the pantry, and someone who cares if you make it home at night… you are blessed!  It is your perception that needs to change.  So choose to appreciate and love the one your with!


Just a thought!


Love, Goldi


Goldilocks Blog…Searching for the Perfect Life, in a Perfect World!

Limiting Belief…Earn Money Blogging!?

“Whether you think you can, or can’t, you are right.”  I believe Henry Ford said that, and I believe it to be true.  For instance, If I believed that I would not earn money blogging and living the life that I am creating for myself, then I would have taken another job and would not have the time to blog.   This would create that self fulfilling prophecy of not succeeding in earning money blogging.   So what we believe shapes our behavior and we act in accordance with those beliefs.


So if you are limiting yourself, this is your opportunity to start now and change your mindset.  First begin by deciding what you want.  Then you need to believe that you have what you want. You may feel like you are being a little delusional, but if you want it, you need to believe and act from this place.  Remember it is not in the future, it is in the now!   


Just a thought!






Goldilocks Blog