Good Luck – Bad Luck

I’ve always had good luck on Friday the 13th.  Maybe it started with me not having any bad luck, and then it parlayed into me always expecting a good day. I don’t really remember, but I do know that today was another great day! I had lots of errands and appointments, but everywhere I went, I found great parking spaces, I arrived on time, I had great service, and everyone was more than nice to me.  Which got me thinking about Luck…. Are we just Lucky when good things happen? And, how do we know if a seemingly unlucky event is not lucky?  What if that seemingly unlucky event prevents something worse from happening, or opens the door for us to go in a different direction, which leads us towards something better.  And, what if we lived our lives believing that it did, then wouldn’t everyday be Lucky?


Just a thought…


Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook



The world works in mysterious ways and sometimes we do not realize how lucky we are.  Recently I ran into an old coworker, we exchanged pleasantries and then I asked the question that I had been afraid to.  “Are you enjoying living in the downtown condo?”     The condo was a real estate deal that we both had invested in.  I however had to bow out of the deal, not so gracefully, for financial reasons about a year ago.  It was a deal so great, that even in this economic storm that we are in, was still sound.  Devastated and embarrassed I awaited her answer.   Her replied  surprised me, she also had to walk away from the deal, and she proceeded to tell me that I was the only person that I got to walk away with the money that I had invested.  I had no idea that I had been so lucky.  For a year now I had been grateful that I had received the money because I needed it to live on, and it now has me wondering about other lucky blessings that I may have missed…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…