
The world works in mysterious ways and sometimes we do not realize how lucky we are.  Recently I ran into an old coworker, we exchanged pleasantries and then I asked the question that I had been afraid to.  “Are you enjoying living in the downtown condo?”     The condo was a real estate deal that we both had invested in.  I however had to bow out of the deal, not so gracefully, for financial reasons about a year ago.  It was a deal so great, that even in this economic storm that we are in, was still sound.  Devastated and embarrassed I awaited her answer.   Her replied  surprised me, she also had to walk away from the deal, and she proceeded to tell me that I was the only person that I got to walk away with the money that I had invested.  I had no idea that I had been so lucky.  For a year now I had been grateful that I had received the money because I needed it to live on, and it now has me wondering about other lucky blessings that I may have missed…

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…