Change My Life – Now

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. Lao Tzu

I guess it’s natural for us all to want instant gratification.  I mean who wants to wait for something that they desire.  Who says: gee, I wish in two years and five months that I’ll get that job promotion.  No, we say, I want it now!   Rarely is something that is gained quickly, valued for an extended amount of time. What we seem to treasure most is what we sacrificed, toiled, and worked so hard for.  The problem is that life shouldn’t be about sacrifice, but of joy.  So wouldn’t it be better, if in life, that we didn’t look for the quick fix, or endure any pain or sacrifice, but to learn to trust in the effort that we are making, …that it will all work out.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook

Changing your Life-Let Go-Give in

Are you pushing, pulling, squeezing, stretching, and trying to manipulate a certain outcome, and while you’re waiting for this outcome, does time seem to stand still.  When fear pops in, do you stop trying to make things happen, and then watch, as time flies by.

Never stop trying, but “let go” – to whatever your trying to accomplish – give it time. Time to marinate, and season into the perfect form for you. Keep living the life that you want. Believe that everything will work out in your favor. Believe that you already have the life that you want, and let the rest fall into place. Give in to time, give in to life, give in to the outcome. Let your life unfold, stay curious and open to the opportunities that show up for you…  What happens may be better than you dreamed.

Just a thought…


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And then the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin

Afraid to be who you want to be.  Afraid to risk defeat again.  Afraid to put yourself out there for all the world to see.  This is not living.

We fail when we find comfort in where we are, and not where we want to be. Life is meant to be always evolving.  Keeping with us –  what works, letting go of what doesn’t, and opening ourselves up to what can be. It takes risk, and faith, and courage to be the best that you can be.

You have made your New Year Resolutions – The “risk” is yours.  Stay where you are right now, and make changes when life forces you; or decide to move towards the life you want.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi – Twitter – Facebook