Days of our Lives

“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” From opening of soap opera Days of our Lives


The best days of our life, are the ones we have, right here, right now.  Soap operas are being cancelled after 40 years, stores are being closed, and industries are vanishing.  Like the sands in the hourglass, our lives keep changing. Half of the hourglass/life is trickling away, while the other half is building and growing. If we evolve and adapt to what’s new in our life, we keep living a full life.  If we stand still, like the hour glass, after time, it stops,…no growth, no fun, no life, nothing.

So truly live each day, and embrace all it has to offer.  These are the best days of our lives, cuz, it’s where we are right now. So LIVE it…


Just a thought…


Love, Goldi



Love is the answer to all questions. If you find yourself troubled, unsure, and wondering what to do, the answer is always love.

Love yourself, do something that brings you joy. Love your family, Love your friends, your neighbor, your boss, the stranger on the street.  Be kind, think – how would you want that person to treat you.  We all make mistakes. We all have history that fuels our reactions, nevertheless put those reactions in check, think – what answer comes from a place of love.

If your down and out, feeling blue, then treat yourself gently. Give yourself permission, to let things go for a while. Treat yourself as, you would treat, the person you love the most. What would you do for them, then give it to yourself.

If the question is between a job, a meal, or a moral decision; Think – what would I love to do, what is best for my family, my friends, the environment, and even society as a whole.  Think of the whole picture and Whatever the question is, Love is the answer, and always Right.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi