Gross National Happiness

The first place that I would like to travel to is the country of Bhutan.  Bhutan is a country that is located in the Eastern Himalayas, and I believe that it would be the perfect place for me to start my journey bringing me more peace and inspiration in their beautiful country.  The true purpose of the trip however, would be for me to study their Gross National Happiness (GNH), a term which was coined by a former King of Bhutan.  The GNH looks at the well being and happiness of the citizens of the country and, in general, came about when the King decided to build an economy that was not just based on economic growth, but would grow in unison with spiritual development.  Bhutan is the only country in the world to measure its wellbeing by Gross National Happiness vs Gross National Product, and the country has ten ministries that are working together toward this goal.

Bhutan does so many things right that it may take several blogs to tell you what I think that I know about them, and then again after, or during my journey to tell you what I know for sure. 


Just a thought…


Love, Goldi

Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…