Woodstock – 3 Days of Peace and Music


I am not exactly sure what the Tipping Point was that allowed a peaceful event to take place at Woodstock. It was one of the most tumultuous times of the 1960’s, and was coupled with the fact that so many things went wrong… they had a shortage of food and facilities, a soaking rain, with an unexpectedly excessive amount of people, and a lack of organization for the peaceful chaos that ensued.  This seemed to be the perfect ingredients for some sort of helter skelter, but it did not happen… why?  Was it just something that the collective majority desired and envisioned?  Was it just the fact that the focus was on Peace and Music?    What made this event different than other events that took place at the same time?   I am not sure what the answers are, but I do know that it happened, and it is proof that peace is possible in times of chaos!

So let us remember on this and every Anniversary of Woodstock that we have proof that we can have peace now, in whatever we are personally and collectively going through…

Just a thought…




Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…