Bing… Decision Engine Optimization?

Newly launched Bing is suppose to be designed to intuitively understand what people are seeking and yet when I went in to test it, I searched for my blog, it was nowhere to be found.  Now I know that my blog is only a few months old and in the grand scheme of things it is not important, but if I google goldilocks blog, my blog comes up first.  If I am in the bing search my blog does not show up at all.  I even specifically, in bing, searched and nothing.  So how can a search engine be intuitive, and a decision engine, when it is not even able to find something when you specifically ask for it?  It just makes me wonder what else I will be missing.


Just a thought…


Love, Goldi


Goldilocks Blog

Searching for a Perfect Life in a Perfect World


We often spend a lifetime searching for happiness.  We chase dreams, people, places, religion, money, and addictions, in the hope of filling the void that is within us.   We believe that if can get this or have that, then and only then, will we be happy. 


The problem is that we tend to make this our state of mind of how we always think, always searching, and always pursuing happiness.  We need to shift our thinking and to just simply be happy.  Do not put it in the future, in the attainment of certain goals or objects, but in the everyday doing of whatever it is that we are doing.


You see it is not the circumstances that make us happy, but our outlook that does.  Our minds can make a good situation seem bad, and bad situations seem good!


So I believe that happiness is acknowledging and appreciating what we have… and the thoughts of gratitude, that is happiness!  So if we truly appreciate what we do have, the thoughts fill up that emptyness, and brings us the inner peace that we are looking for!  So again simply… be happy now!


Just a thought!


Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog

Searching for the perfect life in a perfect world…