Tough Economy – Time Bank – Help Create A Better Community!

I believe that this tough economy is creating opportunities to change for the better!  Earlier I talked about being downsized and how that change might inspire you to start living the life you want, but it is also a chance for us as a whole, to help change our community and our whole way of life. 


I believe that we all want to have peace, love, friends, and family in our lives. What if we shifted our perspective and wanted less.  Simplified – We would not need to work two jobs, we would have time for our family and friends and ourselves.  Which would create more joy in the world, and then we would all live healthier, longer, and happier lives.


I thought about what if we took this a step further and we created real communities where everyone really cared about the betterment of all.  I then stumbled upon  .  Now I have to say that I know nothing about this organization… I just looked at the site and I loved the concept of what they are doing.  The concept is that everyone has something to contribute and everyone usually has a need as well. So you may contribute your time doing something for someone and that hour will go into a time bank, and then you would have a time dollar for someone to do something for you. 


Time Banks Mission:”Strengthening Communities through reciprocity”  Sounds like a good idea to me!


Just a thought!





Goldilocks Blog

The Secret – Inspiration- Friends

I have a friend named Shelley, and her enthusiasm spills out from her!  You just really enjoy being around her or even just talking on the phone to her, because her positive energy just overflows.  She makes things happen too!  She is able to manifest that which she wants, and she has been a great source of inspiration to me.


Shelley and her family recently bought a big beautiful home.  Talking to her a few weeks after purchasing her home she says to me.  “I love my home! Even while I am on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor I am thinking of how grateful I am to have this home, and how I am enjoying scrubbing this floor.” 


My friend is also an artist, she is new in town, and she wanted to get the word out about her work.  I told her about wanting to start a blog and we have been brain storming ever since. I worked toward starting my blog and writing, and she decided to contact the news paper, and the next thing you know she becomes the featured artist. In the past when they have featured an artist it has been a few paragraphs and possibly a single black and white photo.  Her article becomes a half page with many colored photographs.  As a result of this article she gets commissioned to create a piece of art for a client.  In the mean time she is dropping off her children at school when the art teacher notices her signage on her van.  She is then brought in to teach the children her style of art.  Then, she decides that she is going to submit a design for the local city celebrations poster.  This celebration has been going on for over 25 years and is a three day event that brings in very large crowds… and yes you guessed it she is picked.  Her design wins and she will be feature and celebrated through out this event.  She will be at all of the kick off parties, the featured events, and have a signing booth during the celebration!  And… the story does not end there.  She then contacts a magazine that was interested in doing an article on her, to let them know that she that her art was chosen for this cities celebration and next thing you know she is getting an e-mail telling her that she is going to be featured in the next issue of the magazine!


All of this happened in about a period of three months.  Her secret I believe is that she knows what she wants.   She is truly living in the moment, is grateful for everything, and appreciates all that she has.  She radiates that spirit of enthusiasm. Then she puts her self out there.  Letting people know who she is and what she does.  Then magic seems to happen… Shelley creates the life that she wants!


I am learning from her. May be you can too! Just a thought!





Goldilocks Blog

Downsized- have the life that you want!

My friends brother was recently laid off due to his company downsizing  its personnel due to the recession.  My friend told me that when his company brought him in to tell him of his dismissal, he jumped up and said “I am out of here”, and I totally got where he was coming from.  Sometimes you spend your whole life doing all things that you are suppose to do. Getting an education, then some how you are supporting a family, and you have a home, and a car, and debts.  You feel like you are trapped and you have no way out. You become bitter and depressed. You want another life but society and, being the good person that you are, does not let you walk away from your obligations.  I mean why would you want to walk away from a job with a high salary that supports this life?  Just because your not happy.  So getting downsized and finally having that excuse to do what you want to do, and to have the life that you truly want, suddenly seems possible and freeing. 

So may be we have to lose everything to get everything that we truly want.  As a individual we have more time to spend with family and friends.   As a society we have a chance to make changes and to do what is better for our future as a whole. 

The challenge is after years of mindlessly doing what we are suppose to do, is finding what brings us joy, and happiness.  What is it that we truly want to do?  Then just going ahead and doing it.

Just a thought!

Love, Goldi

Goldilocks Blog