I didn’t realize how much youth baseball was a rehearsal for adult life. Its not always fair… The calls don’t always go your way. Some people cheat. Some – even though its legal – steal. Sometimes people on your team, those who you can always count on, mess up. Some players get down, frustrated about things they can’t control – like whether it’s their error, a team members error, or one of those bad calls; and while their head is occupied with those thoughts, it messes up what they can control.
Sometimes the game is taken way too serious.
Most of the time a player will play to your expectations.
Like youth baseball, in our adult lives, if you break down every time things don’t go our way, you risk becoming stuck on the “its not fair” mantra and forget to keep on living. Control what you can and keep doing better, keep on trying, keep on showing up for yourself, for your team/family, for those around you, and hope that they do the same. Life on the team will be so much more enjoyable and I guarantee that you would have more success, if you just let it go – let it be – forget about it, and do your best. Smile and keep playing the game – have fun – enjoy the moment your in. Not the moment that has passed, or the moment that’s to come – enjoy the moment you have now.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi