Meditation with Morty


Meditation at sunrise, on the beach, is how I’ve been starting my day for the last few months. I vary what beach I go to depending on what I have to do after, but there are about four spots that I continually go. And, as with any place that you frequent you begin to see some familiar faces. Morty is a man that I see every time that I go this one particular beach.  I’ve observed this older gentleman and notice as he sits there calmly smiling with the sand between his toes, that he’s looking around as if looking for friends, drawing them in – And, they come; people continually walk up to him saying Hi Morty – andthat’s how I know his name 😉  I’m sure he’s unaware of the effect that he has.  But this beach feels different than any other beach that I go to. Where all shores are tranquil, peaceful and serene at sunrise, this beach has a lightness, a friendliness, a sense of community that I know comes form Morty. He’s always there showing up.  I know, because I’ve been with him on rainy days when we were the only two people there. He stakes his claim into the sand and smiles, until the sun rises and sky clears, people join him or shake his hand and walk away, but his presence definitely matters.  At first, I hate to admit, I started to judge him as a lonely man wanting companionship, but theirs a big difference between judging and observing. In judging I’m created a false story that I really don’t know anything about -it’s weak and easy and most likely not true. In observing, I’m honoring the man I see -learning, and that’s very powerful. No attachment to the observation, just simply noticing.  Like becoming aware of the impact that one person can have on a location, by simply showing up and smiling.  

We all vibrate out an energy – good or bad – I know you’ve felt it from other people. Just think of the good we could all do if we took care of ourself like Morty does, smiling, honoring ourself so that our energy is raised, with the lingering effect brightening the path of others.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi


Completely Blessed

photo (13)These days I feel totally, utterly and completely blessed! I don’t have boat loads of money, or a big fancy car, but I have everything I need and more.  I’ve learned to live differently than I had before. I try to only buy, keep, or be around quality.  Not quantity, but quality. My friends are good people.  I try to live in a state of contentment with gratitude.  Grateful for what I have, and it works, I feel truly grateful for what I have and feel content and blessed.  But I’ve recently been thrown a little bit for a loop. It’s become easy to ride the ups and downs of life with the small things in life, like someone cutting you off in traffic,  the rude person behind you in line, or the unexpected bill. Recently however, my best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time –  this time stage 4.  Finding that place where I’m accepting of what is at the moment, has left me feeling a little uncomfortable.  My initial reaction of feeling like I was going to throw up, seems so much more appropriate. Hindsight and past experience has proven to me that worry, sadness, and despair, will not help me or her.  My yoga training and practice helps reminds me to not put a future outcome to what may be, but to count our blessings and celebrate what we have now. I keep having to remind myself of that… hope your doing the same.

 Just a thought…

With Love, Goldi

Pour Energy Into What Is Right With You

Pour energy into what is right with you, as energy is all around you. It exists around every living thing – plants, animals, people. It’s in the air, the atmosphere and the earth itself. It circulates everywhere in entire universe, and this flow of energy connects everything – places, people, and things. We live drawing in energy to us at every moment, and it’s this energy that supports our life, as well as the life of all you seek to have. For most of us we may not fully understand laws of energy and Physics. Where it’s easy for us to see water converted to steam, I’m still amazed that I can wirelessly write on my laptop and post an article on something that can instantly be read simultaneously all over the world. We don’t have to fully understand it, we just have to remember that we are affected by the energy we put out, and by the energy we’re around.

So one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to live mindfully.  Aware of where we are, who we’re around, our thoughts – are they positive or negative, and the energy of the food were eating – is it grown with loving care naturally, or chemically produced in a sterile environment and put into a cardboard box.

Where we can’t however control who’s around us, or places we need to go, at every moment. And, where we’re not eating constantly throughout the day. Our minds however are always busy. So controlling our thoughts, or maybe detaching from them, should be our greatest work. If we mindfully become more aware of our thoughts, and with detachment become aware if the thought is something we need to react to, like a car racing toward us as were stepping onto the street, or if our mind is just bringing us drama. Pulling us into a state of anxiety, anger, or depression.  If we’re paying attention we can redirecting our thoughts by pouring energy/attention into all that is right. For instance, we moved into an extreme fixer upper of a home, and five months in we still have more ahead of us than behind us.  But I’m choosing, every time I become aware of my thoughts being negative, shifting, to pour my thoughts to that of profound gratitude that I get to live where I do. Their is always something you can be grateful for -if nothing other than that I’m still breathing, and still have the privilege to Live and Enjoy Life. It’s all realitive.  You can always find more or less if you look for it. So begin to find every thing you like in your life – thats right in your world, and attach profound gratitude to those thoughts, feel it in every part of your being – your life will begin to change. This redirection of energy brings more happy situations, and more reason to be grateful.

Just a thought-

Love, Goldi