Words Declaring Your Future

 You are responsible for your own happiness. Your words lead you into action or inaction. Your words declare your future. You can’t change your situation overnight, but you can change your attitude and what you say about your life now. Focus on the positive. Accentuate the positive. Be all about the positive. Think of everything positive that you have going on in your life, and focus on that – Talk about that!

Let your words, thoughts and time be consumed with positive things. Think about how you can help someone else, or learn to speak another language, or play a musical instrument, fly fish your favorite river, hike a mountain, walk on the beach, start your own business, or focus on anything from your bucket list.    

Create your happy future, start in your mind, and with your words.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Life is Beautiful

Last night I dreamed I was trying to get a man to see beautiful and magical pixy dust floating off of an old found object. The dust made the object illuminate, and in holographic sort of way, it spun 360 degrees showing every image from every angle.  I had the dust on my hand and found that I could do the same thing with other objects.  He looked, but I became frustrated, as he never would see.

Here in South Florida we were blessed with only above average rainfall and above average winds from Hurricane Irene.  The rain was needed and knowing the worst was off the coast, the storm was beautiful to watch.  Today the skies are the clearest and bluest I’ve seen.

Life sometimes brings us storms in one form or another, but when the storm passes it also brings us beautiful skies, beautiful objects, beautiful people found in the kindness of friends and strangers alike. It comes in many forms. You need to not only LOOK but to SEE.

See the beauty that life brings you.

Just a thought….

Love, Goldi


Life on the Highway

We can make the world a better place by observing one simple golden driving rule – SLOWER CARS STAY TO THE RIGHT . Yes I’ve been traveling again and this is Goldi’s public service announcement for those traveling on the highway.  PLEASE all highway drivers need to remember that slower cars need to stay to the right.  If you are in the left lane and someone comes up behind you. Don’t take it personally; don’t slow down to keep that person driving slow, and don’t feel that you are entitled to stay in the left lane driving at whatever speed you want.  Please move to the right.

This time is not just my thought or opinion… I’ve looked into several state dmv sites and all in one form or another say for safe expressway driving, to drive in the right, and pass on the left.

I’ve been in so many traffic jams just due to someone hanging slow in the left lane.  Causing many behind them undue stress.  We all move at different rhythms and have different agendas on different days.  One person may be out for a Sunday drive while another maybe racing to see a dying relative. We don’t know, and it’s not our job to control anything. Just please be kind and if your in the left lane, even if your passing someone and someone comes up behind you, it means they are going faster. Pass the car and then move over to the right. Let the faster car go ahead of you and then you can move back out into the left lane to pass again if needed.  Much of the aggressive driving on the highway comes from the slow driver in the left lane. So please if your in the left lane and not passing someone, make life better and safer for us all, and move to the right.   Life will be so much better.

Please facebook post and retweet this safety reminder.

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi