“May you live all the days of your life.” -Jonathan Swift
Sometimes we come to a point in our lives where we feel that we just can’t keep traveling down the path that we are on. We feel stuck, trapped, with no control. We think that if this happens or that happens, we’ll be able to move on, so we stay cautious and steady on the course that we are on; knowing what the outcome looks like. But that is it! We know what that outcome looks like, so we need to change our course.
The first step is to be very clear on the life that you want, and then to start taking action. Allow yourself to make changes, no matter how small, and begin the journey. For a while you will be living the life of who you are now, and your unlimited potential, of you can be. Stay the course and find the courage to say, no matter what happens, I’m going to be okay! Remember courage is the decision to do what needs to be done, despite the fear of the outcome-Be Brave-believe in yourself!
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi
Creating my perfect life…
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