Moments in Time

“I held a moment in my hand, brilliant as a star, fragile as a flower, a tiny sliver of one hour.  I dripped it carelessly, Ah!  I didn’t know, I held opportunity.”  Hazel Lee

Beautiful quote but…,Forget about it… Move on… were wasting time!  The possibility is always here that the day that lies before us, absolutely anything may happen. Do what you want to do.  Do what you love to do… live fully the life that you create.  If you’ve missed an opportunity, create another one.

Enjoy every moment now!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my perfect life in a perfect world…

It’s your Life – The time is now!

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”- Muhammad Ali

“It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat up people.”-Muhammad Ali

“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.”-Muhammad Ali

It’s your life.

It’s just a job.

It doesn’t matter how you want to earn your living. What ever you choose to do-it’s okay. What’s your passion?

Decide what do you want to do?  How do you want to live your life? – Heavy Weight Champion of the World, Writer, Artist, Computer SEO Specialist, Comic Book Creator, Outdoor Adventure Leader???  What type of relationships do you want???

Decide -Then claim it, say it, be it – Excercise, Train, Write, Paint, Study, etc. What ever it is that leads you where you want to go.

It’s your life – It doesn’t matter where you are in it.  No excuses – the only one who will really be stopping you is you. The time to do something is now.

Go for it, and I will too!

Just a thought…

Love, Goldi

Creating my perfect life…

PS I was finishing up this post when I cut and pasted one of the above quotes from Muhammad Ali to twitter.  Immediately a friend sent me a link, that they thought I would like, to one of Tony Robbins Video Blog Post that more than relates…  so I’m linking you here – it’s great!

I’m going to tell you how great I am! – Tony Robbins Training Blog – Part 2