Newly launched Bing is suppose to be designed to intuitively understand what people are seeking and yet when I went in to test it, I searched for my blog, it was nowhere to be found. Now I know that my blog is only a few months old and in the grand scheme of things it is not important, but if I google goldilocks blog, my blog comes up first. If I am in the bing search my blog does not show up at all. I even specifically, in bing, searched and nothing. So how can a search engine be intuitive, and a decision engine, when it is not even able to find something when you specifically ask for it? It just makes me wonder what else I will be missing.
Just a thought…
Love, Goldi
Goldilocks Blog
Searching for a Perfect Life in a Perfect World
Hello. Thank you for this great info! Keep up the good job!
Didn’t understood the last part :s could you explain better please?
thank you! I really liked this post!
thank you! I really liked this post!
Wow! Its imposible… I’m realy shocked :/
Just to update this original post…Bing within a week of this posting found my Blog. Was it just a few kinks that need to be worked out, or the fact it found me because I used the word Bing in my blog…I do not know! It seems however to now be working well! I guess it is like anything that any of us do…we put it out there, we do the best that we can. If we find an error, we make a correction, and we keep improving, or at least trying to improve, and then slowly we evolve, self correcting along the way!
Just a thought! Love, Goldi